1 PM | EST - Noura Bashshur
Join this session to leverage the sweeping impact of AI by understanding how AI can assist in the proposal development process and provide your company with a competitive edge by enhancing the quality of your proposal submission.
Contracting in the New Trump Administration
The new Trump Administration is expected to make sweeping changes to what and how the government buys. These changes will provide significant challenges as well as opportunities for companies that embrace changes, rebrand, reframe their approach, and effectively take their message to decision makers.
SAM.gov Opportunity Tutorial (February 2025)
SAM.gov is reported as one of the most frustrating platforms for federal contractors to use. This session will help you maximize your use of SAM.gov as well as other government systems.
Selling to the Government: Winning Federal Contracts in the Trump Administration (February 2025)
Join every second Tuesday every month and meet a team of federal experts with success in selling billions to federal agencies.