Recorded Briefing


Leveraging P-Card Transactions  for Federal Market Success

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This session was recorded on March 14th, 2024

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P-Cards (or Purchase Cards) allow the government to buy products & services without competition under a certain dollar threshold. Essentially a government issued credit card, purchases made with P-Cards are most commonly known as micro-purchases. Approximately $21.8 billion was spent in FY2023 on 16.8 million P-Card transactions for open market micro-purchases, orders, and contract payments. Most P-Card transactions are under $10,000 and do not require competition. However, orders against existing contracts and contract payments can be up to $9,999,999.99 (one penny under $10 million), when authorized by the agency.

This 90-minute briefing will address how agencies use P-Cards, how you can find P-Card holders, and the best way to leverage P-Card transactions to gain traction in the Federal Marketplace. Before you accept a micro-purchase, it is important to understand that the government has certain limitations when it comes to P-cards, and what situations make micro-purchases more likely.

Great way to get federal sales started. There are several benefits of P-Cards: Vendors/contractors do not need to register with, the government can reach out to any contractor they want who accepts a P-Card (with no need to make a formal purchase order), and there is no competition requirement. If your company doesn’t have any past performance, micro-purchases are a great way to get past performance.

P-Cards provide hidden contracts. These micro-purchases help build trust and relationships with federal decision makers in government agencies, which can be vital in opening up avenues to get larger contracts later on down the road.


  • P-Card buys (to include orders under existing contracts) are not posted on
  • P-Card buys under the micro-purchase threshold do not require competition, though the Government may choose to receive more than one quote if there is limited history purchasing the same product or services.
  • Orders placed against existing contracts using the P-Card may require competition in accordance with contract terms and conditions and fair opportunity requirements (i.e., multiple award contracts).
  • GSA Contract is NOT Required for P-Card buys made in the open market under the Micro-Purchase threshold.

Q: Is this briefing only for GSA holders?

A: While P-Cards can be used on GSA contracts, this briefing will discuss P-Card ordering procedures for both GSA and Non-GSA contracts as well as how small businesses can find and market to P-Card holders. Small businesses that hold Multiple Award Schedules contracts must accept orders placed with the P-Card up to $250,000 (the Simplified Acquisition Threshold) when requested by the ordering activity. P-Card holders can be any trained employee in federal agencies.

Q: Do vendors need to be registered on to accept P-Cards?

A: No. Any business can accept government P-Cards.

Recommended attending personnel:

Commodity product providers, service industry, small businesses, contracting/accounting personnel, federal sales/business development professionals, quote/pricing personnel.


1:00 PM Introductions & Briefing Controls

1:05 PM Topical Overview

  • What are P-Cards (Purchase Cards)
  • How P-Cards Work
  • Purchase Mechanism (Micro Purchases)
  • Order Mechanism (Orders Placed Against Existing Contracts)
  • Payment Mechanism (Contract Payments)
  • Micro Purchases
  • Terminology (Full, Open, Other)

1:10 PM Benefits to P-Cards and Micro Purchases

1:15 PM Purchase Limits

  • General Government limitations
  • Products
  • Services

1:25 PM Ordering Procedures

  • P-Card checklist
  • GSA
  • Non-GSA

1:45 PM Getting Micro Purchases

  • Finding P-Card holders
  • Finding buyers in your market
  • Marketing to federal buyers and P-Card holders

2:15 PM Q & A

2:25 PM Additional Resources


Shauna Weatherly photo
Shauna Weatherly

Federal Subcontract Solutions LLC (dba FedSubK)

President and Founder