HHS Agencies Expiring FY25 Socio-Economic Set-Aside Contracts
Get insight on HHS expiring contracts for FY 2025 as they pick apart and analyze what the data means to contractors targeting 12 different HHS agencies.
Unsolicited Proposals to Federal Agencies
The unsolicited proposal process can be used for products, services, innovative technology or a better way for agencies to meet their missions - all based on your expertise and ability to help meet an agency's needs.
SAM.gov Opportunity Tutorial (December 2024)
Since SAM.gov is reported as one of the most frustrating platforms for federal contractors to use, this session will help you maximize your use of SAM.gov as well as other government systems.
Selling to the Government (December 2024)
Join every second Tuesday every month and meet a team of federal experts with success in selling billions to federal agencies.
FPDS.gov Fundamentals (December 2024)
This training session will show you practical methods to quickly get to the critical information you need from FPDS.gov to compete in your federal market and provide real-time interaction with attendees.
SPECIAL BRIEFING: SAM.gov: Responding to 400% Increase in RFIs & Sources Sought
Since 11/6 (election day), over 3,700 RFI (Request for Information) Sources Sought have been posted on SAM.gov representing a 423% increase over last year's postings during the same time period on SAM.gov. This means unprecedented opportunities for Small Businesses for direct contracts, teaming and sub-to-prime.
Doing Business with the VA
This industry briefing is scheduled for 90 minutes and will address how the VA purchases products and services, the impact of the Kingdomware decision, and how companies can position themselves for upcoming VA opportunities.
Contract Flow Down Clauses: Managing Risk Throughout the Supply Chain
This briefing will explore how contractors can effectively manage flow-down clauses to ensure that all vendors supporting the contract remain compliant.
SAM.gov Opportunity Tutorial (November 2024)
Since SAM.gov is reported as one of the most frustrating platforms for federal contractors to use, this session will help you maximize your use of SAM.gov as well as other government systems.