Protecting Operational Technology (OT) Assets in Federal Agencies

60-Minute Online Briefing



February 27th 2025

11 AM to 12 PM | EST

This briefing has been rescheduled. Please check above for the updated date and time.


Shantanoo A Govilkar photo

Shantanoo A Govilkar
Vice President – Risk & Cybersecurity Solutions
DivIHN Integration Inc.

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Pursuant to Presidential Executive Order (EO) 14028, Memorandum M-22-09, and NSM-22, all federal agencies must adopt robust strategies to safeguard OT environments. However, this can pose a challenge as agencies operate technologies use different protocols, and are often comprised of legacy systems with unique constraints. This requires a tailored approach to cybersecurity that includes visibility, vulnerability management, access control, and rapid response mechanisms.

Operational Technology (OT) systems form the foundation of federal critical infrastructure and allow essential services to operate while protecting mission-critical assets. With increasing interconnectivity between IT and OT networks, these systems face a growing number of cyber threats, ranging from ransomware to sophisticated nation-state attacks.

This briefing will review the latest federal directives, best practices, and technologies for securing OT assets and ensuring the resilience of critical federal assets. Interactive discussion will include information on:

  • Why is OT cybersecurity important for federal agencies?
  • The Threat Vectors and Vulnerabilities to consider.
  • OT Cybersecurity and frameworks, and how to choose the most relevant option.
  • Top considerations and Action Plans for federal agencies.
  • Pitfalls to avoid, and how to attain the next level of maturity.

Recommended attending personnel:

CIOs, CISOs, Senior IT and OT personnel, program managers responsible for cybersecurity, personnel handling IT/OT contracts, and agency leaders overseeing critical infrastructure operations.

Agency Panelist Participation

Agency participation is encouraged for this briefing. If you or one of your colleagues would like to be a contributor or panelist in this discussion, please contact or call 888-818-8726 to coordinate your participation. GovBrief provides free access to all government presenters and will distribute all accompanying documentation at no charge.

Important: This briefing uses a Zoom-based communication connection via your network. This briefing will be accessible via phone if you are unable to connect online and recorded versions will be distributed with closed-caption for the hearing impaired. Instructions for login will be provided upon registration.

What's Included

  • Live access via Zoom
  • Session documents & materials
  • Interactive Q&A
  • Access to recording after the briefing
  • Access to one-on-one follow-up meetings
  • Continuing Education Certificate (by request)

Briefing Agenda

11:00 AM - Welcome and Introductions

11:05 AM - Introduction to Operational Technology (OT) Security

11:10 AM - Federal Directives 

11:15 AM - Best Practices for Protecting OT Systems

11:25 AM - Challenges 

11:35 AM - Emerging Tools for OT Protection

11:45 AM - Q&A

11:55 AM - Closing Remarks

What's Included

  • Live access via Zoom
  • Session documents & materials
  • Interactive Q&A
  • Access to recording after the briefing
  • Access to one-on-one follow-up meetings
  • Continuing Education Certificate (by request)